[geeklog-devel] gforge up

Tony Bibbs tony at tonybibbs.com
Wed Jun 18 10:02:24 EDT 2003

I absolutely agree.  Actually, if you looked at the Geeklog 2 project I 
was trying to enter in some real data in the task section (btw, the 
gantt chart stuff is sweet).

I have set up your account as an admin so you should be able to do 
testing with real data.


Dirk Haun wrote:
> Tony,
>>Dirk, if I 
>>could have you create an acccount and email me your username/password, I 
>>will set you up as an admin and we'll see if they've fixed enough bugs 
>>to get off of SF.net altogether.
> My username is "dhaun", as usual :-)
>>Oh, FYI, I already created a Geeklog 2 project and if our initial tests 
>>show it is stable enough we can have third party GL products hosted 
>>there as well.
> Wouldn't it make more sense to test it on some real data, i.e. set up a
> Geeklog 1 project and move some of the bug reports over from sf.net? Or
> should I just play around with it a bit and you're resetting the database
> should we decide to stay with it?
> bye, Dirk

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