[geeklog-devel] ACL follow-up

Vincent Furia vmf at abtech.org
Mon Jun 23 16:39:47 EDT 2003

Before I posted to all this to the web site.  I just wanted to respond 
to Tony's input and questions and make sure no one else has anything 
else to say.  If not I'll try to get this up on geeklog.net tomorrow. 
I'll embed furhter comments in Tony's email below:

Tony Bibbs wrote:
> Vinny, I think I'm right on with you on the ACL system.  However, one 
> point of disagreement is that notion you support that EDIT + ADMIN = 
> OWNER.  That isn't true, we should track the creator of the item as the 
> owner. Ok, wait, now that I actually read the SQL you gave, you do have 
> a uid field so I have to assume you are tracking it as I suggested. 
> Never mind ;-)
I think that "author" (the original creator of the item) should be 
stored by the item along with any other information.  My reference to 
OWNER above is more like being the owner of a file under unix.  The 
owner has a large amount of control over the file.  The big difference 
is that this ACL scheme could support multiple owners for a single item.

> Now, to adequately address the real possibility of having multiple ACL's 
> let me give a high level objet model:
> ACL_Factory: Class that creates ACL libraries on the fly.  The specific 
> ACL system to use is determined by a config.php setting.  All this 
> object does is instantiate the right ACL system and returns it.
This might be over kill, a simple configuration variable pointing to the 
version of BaseACL you wish to use would probably be sufficient.  But if 
you'd prefer to go this I don't see any obsticles.

> BaseACL: Abstract class (not instantiated directly) that all ACL systems 
> inherit from.  The methods here would be similar to the ones found in GL 
> 1.3.x's lib-security.php (i.e. getUserGroups, inGroup, hasAccess, 
> getUserPermissions, etc).
Always a good idea in OOP programming.

> Default_ACL: This extends BaseACL by implementing the system that Vinny 
> is talking about.

> For those who care, using the factory design pattern now lets you 
> implement any ACL system  All it has to do is inherit from BaseACL.  The 
> data model vinny is proposing seems to me to be generic enough to handle 
> any ACL system.  Only thing I am fuzzy on is how you plan on tying 
> people to groups and groups to groups?  The same way as 1.3.x does?

I was under the impression that the A&A module would handle getting the 
user and group info, however and where ever they may be stored.  For 
whichever parts I'm wrong on this, current 1.3.x handling of group 
membership would be sufficient.  I might add that a well though out set 
of access rights would mean we could get rid of about 75% of the 1.3.x 
"rights".  The remaining rights (such as story.submit, comment.delete, 
etc) could be considered items under ACL control.

> --Tony


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