[geeklog-devel] locales

Heather Engineering info at heatherengineering.com
Thu Jun 14 11:10:51 EDT 2007

I'd like to request that the locale is added to each language file  
next to the charset next time translations are updated:

$LANG_CHARSET = 'utf-8';
$LANG_LOCALE  = 'en_GB';

unless there is some other way of working out the locale that I'm  
missing? I know I could do it from the filename, but that seems a  
little long winded to me and I think that the locale should be  
available. The following array might also be useful if added to the  
language files.

For good measure, I've added an array of countries in English in case  
anyone wants. This would also be useful in the language files.


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// partial list of locales

$LANG_LOCALES = array (
     'af_ZA' => 'Afrikaans (South Africa)',
     'ca_ES' => 'Catalan (Spain)',
     'cs_CZ' => 'Czech (Czech Republic)',
     'da_DK' => 'Danish (Denmark)',
     'de_CH' => 'German (Switzerland)',
     'de_DE' => 'German (Germany)',
     'el_GR' => 'Greek (Greece)',
     'en_GB' => 'English (UK)',
     'en_US' => 'English (USA)',
     'es_ES' => 'Spanish (Spain)',
     'fi_FI' => 'Finnish (Finland)',
     'fr_BE' => 'French (Belgium)',
     'fr_CA' => 'French (Canada)',
     'fr_CH' => 'French (Switzerland)',
     'fr_FR' => 'French (France)',
     'he_IL' => 'Hebrew (Israel)',
     'hu_HU' => 'Hungarian (Hungary)',
     'is_IS' => 'Islandic (Iceland)',
     'it_IT' => 'Italian (Italy)',
     'ja_JP' => 'Japanese (Japan)',
     'ko_KR' => 'Korean (Korea)',
     'lt_LT' => 'Lithuanian (Lithuania)',
     'nl_NL' => 'Dutch (the Netherlands)',
     'no_NO' => 'Norwegian (Norway)',
     'pl_PL' => 'Polish (Poland)',
     'pt_PT' => 'Portuguese (Portugal)',
     'ru_RU' => 'Russian (Russia)',
     'sk_SK' => 'Slovak (Slovakia)',
     'sl_SI' => 'Slovenian (Slovenia)',
     'sv_SE' => 'Swedish (Sweden)',
     'th_TH' => 'Thai (Thailand)',
     'tr_TR' => 'Turkish (Turkey)',
     'zh_CN' => 'Chinese (Simplified)',
     'zh_HK' => 'Chinese (Hong Kong)',
     'zh_TW' => 'Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan)'

// complete list of countries

     'af' => 'Afghanistan',
     'al' => 'Albania',
     'dz' => 'Algeria',
     'as' => 'American Samoa',
     'ad' => 'Andorra',
     'ao' => 'Angola',
     'ai' => 'Anguilla',
     'aq' => 'Antarctica',
     'ag' => 'Antigua and Barbuda',
     'ar' => 'Argentina',
     'am' => 'Armenia',
     'aw' => 'Aruba',
     'au' => 'Australia',
     'at' => 'Austria',
     'az' => 'Azerbaidjan',
     'bs' => 'Bahamas',
     'bh' => 'Bahrain',
     'bd' => 'Bangladesh',
     'bb' => 'Barbados',
     'by' => 'Belarus',
     'be' => 'Belgium',
     'bz' => 'Belize',
     'bj' => 'Benin',
     'bm' => 'Bermuda',
     'bt' => 'Bhutan',
     'bo' => 'Bolivia',
     'ba' => 'Bosnia-Herzegovina',
     'bw' => 'Botswana',
     'bv' => 'Bouvet Island',
     'br' => 'Brazil',
     'io' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory',
     'bn' => 'Brunei Darussalam',
     'bg' => 'Bulgaria',
     'bf' => 'Burkina Faso',
     'bi' => 'Burundi',
     'kh' => 'Cambodia',
     'cm' => 'Cameroon',
     'ca' => 'Canada',
     'cv' => 'Cape Verde',
     'ky' => 'Cayman Islands',
     'cf' => 'Central African Republic',
     'td' => 'Chad',
     'cl' => 'Chile',
     'cn' => 'China',
     'cx' => 'Christmas Island',
     'cc' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands',
     'co' => 'Colombia',
     'km' => 'Comoros',
     'cg' => 'Congo',
     'ck' => 'Cook Islands',
     'cr' => 'Costa Rica',
     'hr' => 'Croatia',
     'cu' => 'Cuba',
     'cy' => 'Cyprus',
     'cz' => 'Czech Republic',
     'dk' => 'Denmark',
     'dj' => 'Djibouti',
     'dm' => 'Dominica',
     'do' => 'Dominican Republic',
     'tp' => 'East Timor',
     'ec' => 'Ecuador',
     'eg' => 'Egypt',
     'sv' => 'El Salvador',
     'gq' => 'Equatorial Guinea',
     'er' => 'Eritrea',
     'ee' => 'Estonia',
     'et' => 'Ethiopia',
     'fk' => 'Falkland Islands',
     'fo' => 'Faroe Islands',
     'fj' => 'Fiji',
     'fi' => 'Finland',
     'cs' => 'Former Czechoslovakia',
     'su' => 'Former USSR',
     'fr' => 'France',
     'fx' => 'France (European Territory)',
     'gf' => 'French Guyana',
     'tf' => 'French Southern Territories',
     'ga' => 'Gabon',
     'gm' => 'Gambia',
     'ge' => 'Georgia',
     'de' => 'Germany',
     'gh' => 'Ghana',
     'gi' => 'Gibraltar',
     'gb' => 'Great Britain',
     'gr' => 'Greece',
     'gl' => 'Greenland',
     'gd' => 'Grenada',
     'gp' => 'Guadeloupe (French)',
     'gu' => 'Guam (USA)',
     'gt' => 'Guatemala',
     'gn' => 'Guinea',
     'gw' => 'Guinea Bissau',
     'gy' => 'Guyana',
     'ht' => 'Haiti',
     'hm' => 'Heard and McDonald Islands',
     'hn' => 'Honduras',
     'hk' => 'Hong Kong',
     'hu' => 'Hungary',
     'is' => 'Iceland',
     'in' => 'India',
     'id' => 'Indonesia',
     'ir' => 'Iran',
     'iq' => 'Iraq',
     'ie' => 'Ireland',
     'il' => 'Israel',
     'it' => 'Italy',
     'ci' => 'Ivory Coast (Cote D\'Ivoire)',
     'jm' => 'Jamaica',
     'jp' => 'Japan',
     'jo' => 'Jordan',
     'kz' => 'Kazakhstan',
     'ke' => 'Kenya',
     'ki' => 'Kiribati',
     'kw' => 'Kuwait',
     'kg' => 'Kyrgyzstan',
     'la' => 'Laos',
     'lv' => 'Latvia',
     'lb' => 'Lebanon',
     'ls' => 'Lesotho',
     'lr' => 'Liberia',
     'ly' => 'Libya',
     'li' => 'Liechtenstein',
     'lt' => 'Lithuania',
     'lu' => 'Luxembourg',
     'mo' => 'Macau',
     'mk' => 'Macedonia',
     'mg' => 'Madagascar',
     'mw' => 'Malawi',
     'my' => 'Malaysia',
     'mv' => 'Maldives',
     'ml' => 'Mali',
     'mt' => 'Malta',
     'mh' => 'Marshall Islands',
     'mq' => 'Martinique (French)',
     'mr' => 'Mauritania',
     'mu' => 'Mauritius',
     'yt' => 'Mayotte',
     'mx' => 'Mexico',
     'fm' => 'Micronesia',
     'md' => 'Moldavia',
     'mc' => 'Monaco',
     'mn' => 'Mongolia',
     'ms' => 'Montserrat',
     'ma' => 'Morocco',
     'mz' => 'Mozambique',
     'mm' => 'Myanmar',
     'na' => 'Namibia',
     'nr' => 'Nauru',
     'np' => 'Nepal',
     'nl' => 'Netherlands',
     'an' => 'Netherlands Antilles',
     'nt' => 'Neutral Zone',
     'nc' => 'New Caledonia (French)',
     'nz' => 'New Zealand',
     'ni' => 'Nicaragua',
     'ne' => 'Niger',
     'ng' => 'Nigeria',
     'nu' => 'Niue',
     'nf' => 'Norfolk Island',
     'kp' => 'North Korea',
     'mp' => 'Northern Mariana Islands',
     'no' => 'Norway',
     'om' => 'Oman',
     'pk' => 'Pakistan',
     'pw' => 'Palau',
     'pa' => 'Panama',
     'pg' => 'Papua New Guinea',
     'py' => 'Paraguay',
     'pe' => 'Peru',
     'ph' => 'Philippines',
     'pn' => 'Pitcairn Island',
     'pl' => 'Poland',
     'pf' => 'Polynesia (French)',
     'pt' => 'Portugal',
     'pr' => 'Puerto Rico',
     'qa' => 'Qatar',
     're' => 'Reunion (French)',
     'ro' => 'Romania',
     'ru' => 'Russian Federation',
     'rw' => 'Rwanda',
     'gs' => 'S. Georgia & S. Sandwich Isls.',
     'sh' => 'Saint Helena',
     'kn' => 'Saint Kitts & Nevis Anguilla',
     'lc' => 'Saint Lucia',
     'pm' => 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon',
     'st' => 'Saint Tome (Sao Tome) and Principe',
     'vc' => 'Saint Vincent & Grenadines',
     'ws' => 'Samoa',
     'sm' => 'San Marino',
     'sa' => 'Saudi Arabia',
     'sn' => 'Senegal',
     'sc' => 'Seychelles',
     'sl' => 'Sierra Leone',
     'sg' => 'Singapore',
     'sk' => 'Slovak Republic',
     'si' => 'Slovenia',
     'sb' => 'Solomon Islands',
     'so' => 'Somalia',
     'za' => 'South Africa',
     'kr' => 'South Korea',
     'es' => 'Spain',
     'lk' => 'Sri Lanka',
     'sd' => 'Sudan',
     'sr' => 'Suriname',
     'sj' => 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands',
     'sz' => 'Swaziland',
     'se' => 'Sweden',
     'ch' => 'Switzerland',
     'sy' => 'Syria',
     'tj' => 'Tadjikistan',
     'tw' => 'Taiwan',
     'tz' => 'Tanzania',
     'th' => 'Thailand',
     'tg' => 'Togo',
     'tk' => 'Tokelau',
     'to' => 'Tonga',
     'tt' => 'Trinidad and Tobago',
     'tn' => 'Tunisia',
     'tr' => 'Turkey',
     'tm' => 'Turkmenistan',
     'tc' => 'Turks and Caicos Islands',
     'tv' => 'Tuvalu',
     'ug' => 'Uganda',
     'ua' => 'Ukraine',
     'ae' => 'United Arab Emirates',
     'uk' => 'United Kingdom',
     'us' => 'United States',
     'uy' => 'Uruguay',
     'um' => 'USA Minor Outlying Islands',
     'uz' => 'Uzbekistan',
     'vu' => 'Vanuatu',
     'va' => 'Vatican City State',
     've' => 'Venezuela',
     'vn' => 'Vietnam',
     'vg' => 'Virgin Islands (British)',
     'vi' => 'Virgin Islands (USA)',
     'wf' => 'Wallis and Futuna Islands',
     'eh' => 'Western Sahara',
     'ye' => 'Yemen',
     'yu' => 'Yugoslavia',
     'zr' => 'Zaire',
     'zm' => 'Zambia',
     'zw' => 'Zimbabwe'

  * returns a string of option values for an HTML form
function COM_country_select_list ($selected)
     global $LANG_COUNTRIES;

     $retval = '';
     foreach ($LANG_COUNTRIES AS $key => $value) {
         $retval .= '<option value="' . $key . '"';
         if ($selected==$key) {
             $retval .= ' SELECTED="SELECTED"';
         $retval .= '>' . $value . '</option>';
     return $retval;

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