[geeklog-devel] 1.5 error.log when DB dies

Joe Mucchiello joe at ThrowingDice.com
Wed Aug 13 12:21:05 EDT 2008

At 11:54 AM 8/13/2008, Michael Jervis wrote:
> > How do you find the file? If you don't know where the log dir is, you don't
> > know where the cache of the log dir is either. Now storing it in MEMCACHE
> > might work but again, how do you find the unique key to your log dir in a
> > system-wide Memcache. Option 3, putting it in siteconfig makes the most
> > sense.
>I think you have the wrong issue.

No I have the technical issue. If you can't get to the database, you 
don't know where the log directory is. You also don't know where to 
locate the "cache" since I assume the location of the "cache" would 
be a config option stored in the database.

>The /problem/ is the /code/ knowing where to write issues when it
>falls over getting the configuration. So it writes it wherever it is.
>So if /public_html/calendar/events.php falls over you get
>/public_html/calendar/error.log. Possibly an error.log in each folder
>of your HTML part of the site, which would be publically available and
>may expose information that aids an attack vector.

If the /code/ can't find the proper location for the error.log file 
why does it know where the cache file is?

I know exactly what the problem is. Explain how you know where the 
cache file is when you don't know where the error.log file goes? It's 
the same thing. The only way is to place the "cache" file's location 
in siteconfig.php in which case, why not just put the log path there instead.

Joe Mucchiello
Throwing Dice Games

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