[geeklog-devel] Interesting bug - path collision

Dirk Haun dirk at haun-online.de
Sat Oct 4 17:30:50 EDT 2008

Michael Jervis wrote:

>Got a good answer their, since we include our own files with full
>path, shove PEAR up the list. And in future, check for name conflicts.

Only that we do already put the path to PEAR first:

    if( ini_set( 'include_path', $_CONF['path_pear'] . $separator
                                 . $curPHPIncludePath ) === false )

Using ini_set instead of set_include_path, but that's only because the
latter is PHP >= 5.3 only ...

Can somebody check please if the above code works as expected on
Windows? And if using set_include_path would make a difference?

bye, Dirk


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