[geeklog-devel] FrOSCon 2009

Joe Mucchiello joe at ThrowingDice.com
Tue Aug 25 00:59:47 EDT 2009

I always think it's great that you can make it to at least one Con each year.

At 05:07 PM 8/24/2009, Dirk Haun wrote:
>Let's see what I can remember from our visitors: The (upcoming) Postgres
>support was well received. One person even went ahead and checked out
>Stan's repository (and came back the next day to report that it didn't
>work for him - we're still in contact trying to figure out what went wrong).

When this was first announced I gave the new code a quick review and 
I remember thinking some of the implementations were a bit off just 
from looking at them. I haven't had a chance to get another look at 
it since. (I want to add pgsql support to my version of the calendar 
before I release a new version.) You might want to look at the 
implementation of pgsql.class.php. For example, his implementation of 
dbSave() does not duplicate the functionality of mysql's REPLACE INTO 
whereas the mssql implementation goes to great pains to do so. Also 
there are some stray echo's and print_r calls in the file from the 
initial release. (I don't know if they've since been removed.)

>"What is Geeklog?" was still the predominant first question. Trying to
>position it against the "competition" still wasn't easy (quick: What's
>the unique feature in Geeklog over other CMS?). I usually went with the
>security aspect and the permissions system.

The permission system is Geeklog's best claim to uniqueness. The 
security aspect, while true, sounds like hype. Microsoft also claims 
to be very security conscious so YMMV trying to call that a feature.

Joe Mucchiello
Throwing Dice Games

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