[geeklog-devel] New addition to the demo site - zbblock

Michael Brusletten ironmax at spacequad.com
Thu Sep 22 12:35:26 EDT 2011

To All:

I have added ZBBLOCK to the Geeklog Demo Site because I thought it was time to finally stop the onslaught of really bad behavior that should not be let into the site in the first place.  What this script does is the following:

This php security script is designed to detect certain behaviors detrimental to websites, or known bad addresses attempting to access your site. It then will send the bad robot (usually) or hacker an authentic 403 FORBIDDEN page with a description of what the problem was. If the attacker persists, then they will be served up a permanently reccurring 503 OVERLOAD message with a 24 hour timeout.

If you are looking for a script to help with protection of a Counter-Strike Gaming server, this is not the zBlock program you are looking for. You can find them at http://zblock.mgamez.eu/ , however, many of the same sites could also benefit from what this site has to offer. The name is purely coincidental (I have been using the moniker Zaphod Breeblebrox for 25 years), and their version number is V. 4.4 a post-release. While ZB Block (double Bs and a space) is still in beta development.

What ZB Block is Excellent at:
  a.. Saves money by reducing hacker bandwith usage! (by 2,500% on this site's index page alone!)
  b.. Strengthing your site against defacement.
  c.. Preventing PHP script exploitation.
  d.. Ending Remote File Include (RFI) exploits.
  e.. Protecting against directory traversal attacks.
  f.. Stopping MySQL database injection and tampering.
  g.. Removing access from known bad addresses and domain names.
  h.. Blocking access from top level domains, like .cn (China) and .kp (North Korea).
What ZB Block is Good at:
  a.. Avoiding website scraping/content theft.
  b.. Deterring bad user agents.
  c.. Halting referrer spam.
  d.. Impeding some Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks.
What ZB Block will not do:
  a.. Protect non-PHP pages.
  b.. Stop access to non-exploitable resource files like .gif, .jpg, or .swf .
ZB Block is also fast, not only does ZB Block check for over 100,000,000 bad IPs/Hostnames and many thousands of bots, but standard execution times are around 1/10th of a second on an aged PIII 930, which is unnoticable to the web surfer. This anti-exploit / anti-'sploit / anti-hacking / anti-injection script should find many uses around the web as it's good at detecting, and stopping exploitation probes from many of the worst known skript kiddie tools.

Why ZB Block is BETTER than .htaccess methods...
  1.. Under certiain tasks, it is FASTER than htaccess due to only polling the server for data once per execution. An example of this is domain blocking.
  2.. It will run on webservers that do not support the full gamut of .htaccess commands (And there are quite a few).
  3.. It allows for intelligent detection of problem clients without previous knowledge of their address.
  4.. It can sniff query strings to find attack sequences from all IPs, while allowing legitimate requests to go through.
  5.. Through proper signature use, it can automatically remove some blocks that have met a condition. (such as registration of domain)
  6.. It can ban whole whole ranges of IPs written in classic decimal quadot notation. You can put your own custom ones in the signatures like through . (.htaccess gets a big FAIL! on dealing with IPs as it uses tricky to maintain CIDR ranges that only work in a most signifigant bit (MSB) method, sometimes requiring multiple entries for oddball ranges. 'Did I really include all the IPs? Did I accidentally go to far?')
  7.. Some hosts don't like custom 403s, so they don't allow you to use your own .htaccess driven 403. ZB Block doesn't care if the .htaccess is emplaced.
  8.. It logs banned accesses for later review in plain, easy to read english, with a description as to why said session was blocked.
  9.. It's simple and easy to use, and requires no authorization beyond the ability to upload files to your php equipped web-server.
  10.. Most importantly, it slows down evil robot machines to a crawl (sometimes) and helps alleviate (we hope) your fellow hosts/webmasters from some of the unwanted traffic!
  11.. For more information, see http://www.spambotsecurity.com/zbblock.php
To download the script, goto their site http://www.spambotsecurity.com/zbblock.php and check it out.

I have added a message to the 404 Error page that will be shown to those that have issues to copy and paste the message they get in a forum post on the geeklog site for help.  However, it is my belief that there will be little to no problems with normal operations other that a dramatic decrease in spammer/hacker traffic.

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