[SecViz] gheat

Ben Reardon ben at honeynet.org.au
Fri Mar 27 23:04:23 EDT 2009

Is anyone using google's gheat ?

I'm really impressed with it. Once you get it up and running and install the dependencies etc its very useful.
If anyone gets stuck, I've learnt a couple of things along the way, so ping me if you have trouble.

You can zoom in (just as with google maps), and the "tile server" will redraw the correct tiles and re-serve them to overlay the map.
It's fairly CPU intensive rebuilding the tiles, but it does have a caching system that helps a bit.
Because of the speed, it can be a bit slow for significant interactive use, but otherwise I like it very much.

And the price is right :)

Does anyone use any other similar opensource heatmappers ?


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