[SecViz] source / destination confusion

Raffael Marty raffy at raffy.ch
Thu Oct 4 16:47:51 EDT 2012


Various ways to do it:

ragator -r file.argus - ... -c,

if you have an argus file already. Otherwise

argus -r file.pcap -w - | ragator -c,
argus -r file.pcap -w - | radump ... -c,

Or if you don't want to use ragator or radump, you can just use ra, I think. Lookup the commands to find the right command line to extract only the columns that you want.

Hope this helps



Raffael Marty
ceo @ pixlcloud http://pixlcloud.com
@raffaelmarty http://raffy.ch

On Oct 4, 2012, at 1:18 PM, Richard Feist <RFeist at pggwrightson.co.nz> wrote:

> I am just starting to use argus / afterglow , so playing catchup


> My immediate issue is “source / destination confusion” (thx marty) … anyone point me in the best direction to solving this with argus (3.0.6), im messing with racluster but not got it right yet ?


> richard





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