[geeklog-devel] GL2, Default Plugin

Tony Bibbs tony at tonybibbs.com
Wed Dec 22 00:03:01 EST 2004

I think no-plugin scenarios will be far and few between.  I think if a 
user does login during that setup, they are probably an admin.  We 
should check if they are an admin and, if so, simply give them admin options

Giving non-admins access to just the preferences makes sense.


Vincent Furia wrote:

>For a "no plugin" installation I'd suggest that we default to a user
>preferences page (if logged in) or else a log in page.  Since both
>components need to be part of the core, there shouldn't be an issue in
>having either one.  Clearly we'll need a mechanism so that the default
>could be changed (and even the shipped Geeklog-2 could/should have
>different defaults set).

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