[geeklog-devel] PLG_commentPreSave

Tony Bibbs tony at tonybibbs.com
Thu Jan 27 13:22:48 EST 2005

Right, Vinny's question is why couldn't the spamx plugin just have used 
PLG_commentPreSave then?


Vincent Furia wrote:

>On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 12:00:27 -0500, Blaine Lang <geeklog at langfamily.ca> wrote:
>>Dirk, Tom and I talked about this when implementing the new SPAMX API's and
>>decided that it was best to still have a Non-Spamx API to allow other
>>plugins to add any other comment related filtering or handling that may be
>I'm still confused as to why different APIs are needed since they
>appear to do the same thing.  They are even called one after the
>I think one plugin call would be enough, something like:
>PLG_commentPreSave(title, comment, ...) and have it return HTML to
>output if there is an error (this can include a COM_refresh) otherwise
>just return 0.  If I can work it into the plugin API to pass the
>comment and title by reference, plugins could modify those and still
>return a "success" status.
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