[geeklog-devel] Multi-Hierarchy Category Maintainance Plugin Idea (was Re: Geeklog Document structure)

Joe Mucchiello joe at ThrowingDice.com
Wed Sep 26 15:49:24 EDT 2007

At 02:35 PM 9/26/2007, Web Site Master <WebSiteMaster at cogeco.net> wrote:
>How do you get around linking to objects without hard coding for them?  A
>few more API plugin functions are needed in general that allow for
>returning, what linkable objects a plugin has and a link to a object if an
>ID is given.

Callback functions are wonderful things. You create a stub function 
that call STORY_render_article or SP_render_content for you.

The real trick is getting around system staples like COM_getTopicSql()

One thing that would make this easier would be if stories were moved 
to an article plugin. There is so much code in core that says "if 
(this is a story) { do story stuff; } else { call plugin_api; }". All 
those ifs disappear with a story or article plugin.

Joe Mucchiello
Throwing Dice Games

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