[geeklog-devel] GSOC 2010 application for Improvement in Configurations GUI

Abhishek Shrivastava abhi.nitt at gmail.com
Sun Mar 28 13:56:17 EDT 2010

Dear Joe,

To quote you:
> But there is already a features system attached to user groups. Adding a
separate configuration feature system doesn't make
> sense. The config system really, really does not need to be that fine
grained in terms of permissions. No one outside of root is
> really going to rename the site so why add the capability?

I agree with you, no one other than Root is going to rename the site. That
one I only gave as an example. There are certainly some configurations which
should be only available to root. Others can be grouped and then those group
names can be added to the features table with group id.

For example, we can group all the configurations related to stories into a
group name called story.config . This will be treated as a new feature and
added to the "features" table, with an associated "feature_id". Next we pick
a group (say, Story Admins with group ID 3) or create our own new group in
the "groups" table and add the pair <feature_id, group_id> to the "access"
table. This would allow us to give permissions to story admin to access all
the configurations which belong to story.config group.

Now how do we identify which configuration belongs to story.config group?
This can be done by adding a new field in the existing "conf_values" table
which will take care of that.

Please correct me If I am doing something wrong.

With Regards,
Abhishek Shrivastava.
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