[geeklog-devel] Design dynamic-feeds

Tom websitemaster at cogeco.net
Tue Dec 27 11:55:23 EST 2011

No existing issues about your plan jump out at the moment.


I do not know too much about the rss format.  I assume there is a standard way to ask for authentication for whatever the user is using to view the feed?


Dirk already probably mentioned this to you but I would probably start your work based on the latest version the repository and not from 1.8.1.




From: geeklog-devel-bounces at lists.geeklog.net [mailto:geeklog-devel-bounces at lists.geeklog.net] On Behalf Of Buddhika Chandradeepa Kurera
Sent: December-26-11 5:48 AM
To: Geeklog Development
Subject: [geeklog-devel] Design dynamic-feeds


Hello Folks,


Regarding Dynamic Feeds Implementation; http://wiki.geeklog.net/index.php/SoC_dynamic_feeds


I have studied the code behind the syndication and the rest and came up with the following idea.


I am trying to generate dynamic feeds by querying the story table based on the demand from the requester. (Eg: access controllers, format )

* First check with syndication whether requested feed is enabled or not. If enabled, proceed and not enabled return an error.

* Once a feed is requested and if it is not in the database, the feed is created and stored in the table for feeds. 

* Once a feed is requested and it is in the database, the feed is checked whether it is uptodate with the story table using kind of last-modified flag system. 

* If it is upto-date retrive the feed or modify it and retrive it. The modified feed relaces the existing feed in the table.

(Most of the time the API should be updated to track this last-modified flag relevant to feeds.)


I am hoping to expose one URL (like backend/feeds.php) to be contacted with some HTTP GET parameters to notify the state of access control, type (article, link ...etc) plus the format required.


Once the system is built will think more advanced optimized ways of caching. Further it is possible to add capabilities to set the feeds visibility by the writer at the time of the submission or later when editing the story. Main parameters can be set and changed using syndication section at the admin section.



1. Minimize system resource usage and database querying

2. Compatibility with other existing plug-ins.

3. Less modifications for the existing API.

4. Tracking last-modified flag in feeds and articles/link and others.


That is my plan, comments and ideas are welcome.





Buddhika Chandradeepa Kurera

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