[geeklog-devel] Odd upgrade error

Dirk Haun dirk at haun-online.de
Sun Mar 4 13:53:35 EST 2012

Here's an odd upgrade error that I couldn't figure out:

When migrating a pre-1.5.0 database to 1.9.0, the new "SFS" entries for the Spam-X configuration don't end up where they are supposed to be. I.e. they end up on the "Spam-X Main Settings" tab instead of the "Modules" tab. Also, the Modules tab is actually called "Main".

I have no idea why that happens. The add() calls all specify 10 for the tab. It works when upgrading a 1.5.0 or later database. I've logged the SQL requests that insert the SpamX config entries and they all use tab 10 where you would expect it. Yet once the install is through, I get:

| name               | value | type     | group_name | default_value | subgroup | selectionArray | sort_order | tab  | fieldset |
| tab_modules        | N;    | tab      | spamx      | N;            |        0 |             -1 |          0 |    0 |        0 |
| fs_sfs             | N;    | fieldset | spamx      | N;            |        0 |             -1 |          0 |    0 |        0 |
| sfs_enabled        | b:1;  | select   | spamx      | b:1;          |        0 |              1 |         10 |    0 |        0 |
| fs_snl             | N;    | fieldset | spamx      | N;            |        0 |             -1 |          0 |   10 |       10 |
| snl_enabled        | b:1;  | select   | spamx      | b:1;          |        0 |              1 |         10 |   10 |       10 |
| snl_num_links      | i:5;  | text     | spamx      | i:5;          |        0 |             -1 |         20 |   10 |       10 |

Anyone have any ideas (or better debugging-fu than I seem to have today)?

bye, Dirk


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