[geeklog-users] page takes a long time to load

Richard Pitt richard at belcarra.com
Mon Feb 16 11:28:27 EST 2004

It's not likely a Geeklog problem - it is more likely your link's
latency (different from but related to bandwidth)

I'm betting you're on a ADSL line but you might see this with cable too.
ADSL is typically 70ms from subscriber to the first "outside" router
where cable is generally about half that. This has to do with the way
ADSL packetizes the IP via ATM.

Of course it could also just be that your ISP's infrastructure is choked
and causing high latency that way.

Most web servers limit concurrent fetches to 4 at a time, regardless of
how your browser is set - this means your browser will fetch the base
document then look for the URLs for any graphics and start to load them.

Each TCP conversation takes 2 round-trip setup sets before any data
starts to flow - and if you are on ADSL this means something like 4x70ms
= 280 ms or just over 1/4 second to start getting the first graphic
after you have the text for the page - and then get them 4 at a time
until they are all there.

If you have many graphics on the page, each set will come in 1/4 second
after the previous set and the time taken will be the total size of the
graphics files divided by the outgoing bandwidth on your link.

On the other hand, your mp3 stream takes only one setup set (2 round
trips) then it streams at whatever your outgoing bandwidth is until it
is interrupted or finished.


On Sun, 2004-02-15 at 17:47, dhull wrote:
> I've got geeklog installed and working. At home evrything works. I can
> access the page and log in as Admin. I have the server connected to my
> dsl connection and was hoping to be able to access it over the web.
> Here's what I found out.
> 1. I can access geeklog from the internet but the page times out. The
> buttens etc... take to long to load. 
> 2. I did other tests to see what I can and can't do with my
> connection. From the internet I can listen to my mp3's on my mp3
> server at home. I never tried this before and thought it was really
> cool.
> I know a faster connection to the net is an easy answer. However,
> mp3's are larg files and I can listen to them over the net. If I can
> do that why can't I get geeklog to work?
> If anyone has any ideas pleas let me know.
Richard C. Pitt			Belcarra Technologies
richard at belcarra.com		direct: 604-644-9265	www.belcarra.com
Embedded Systems Communications Specialists - USB, ATM, LAN/WAN, Wireless
USB for Linux, Windows, MAC OS/X - USBLAN (tm) - drivers for USB mass storage
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