[geeklog-users] SQL error and OS X

Brian Ashe brianashe at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 2 16:22:31 EST 2005

Funny--I myself just installed GL on OS X 10.3 (consumer, with all
updates, more info below) today, had this error, checked 'error.log'
but it was blank, so I googled* and was brought to this thread, which
is also just from today. I've run GL on other boxes (older OS X,
IIS/Win) so I have a bit of experience with it**.

This workaround
made the site come up but I wanted to get it working properly so I
kept digging.

The installation seemed to go fine--that is, I saw, "Congratulations,
you have successfully installed Geeklog" on 'success.php.' Now, when
I visited that page again to get that quote, I saw the link to
'check.php.' Oops. Lotsa red on that page. 

My logs were set to 755 but I guess the web user can't write to them
so I chmod'ed them 777 rather than CHOWN them (since it's in a user
folder, not /Library/WebServer/Documents.) Same with geeklog.rdf,
userphotos/, articles/, and data/. No more red, so I changed the
'hidenewcomments' back to 0 but I'm still getting the SQL error. So
it's back to 1 for the time being so I can play with it while I try
to figure it out. I'll spend some more time on this later tonight but
just thought I'd post what I had so far. (IOW, this is the world's
longest 'me too!') I'll compare phpinfo() and other things to another
OS X box where GL works and I'll see what I can find.

My box:
OS X 10.3 ('consumer', not Server) with all updates as of 2/1/2005
PHP from entropy.ch: Entropy-PHP-4.3.10-1.dmg
MySQL from MySQL.com:
Apache 1.3.33

My GL site is the only reason this user ('newbox') exists.
'public_html' replaced that user's 'Sites' folder and all other files
(config.php, logs/, sql/, etc.) are in /Users/newbox. (Yes, I set the
paths right in 'config.php'.) My httpd.conf is set up to allow
virtual hosts so mydomain.com:8080 is served from that directory.
(Yes, I included :8080 where needed.)

* btw, Google says "Did you mean: geeklog An SQL error has occurred"
so I guess 'occured' is spelled wrong. Don't feel bad, so is
HTTP_REFERER. Hey, at least it keeps the matches unique. :-)

** just enough to be dangerous. I probably didn't RTFM as closely as
I should have due to my memories of past easy successes. I'll be
going over it again veeeery closely tonight.

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