[geeklog-devel] 1.3.9rc1 is nearing ...

Tony Bibbs tony at tonybibbs.com
Sun Feb 8 15:48:32 EST 2004

Well, I was hoping to sneak in the spellchecking feature (disabled by 
default).  I had it implemented into /admin/story.php and was going to 
do it with comments as well.  As for other things links, etc. we will 
have to figure out an interface for them as they don't have a handy 
'preview' interface I can biggy back on.  Anyway, your call if it should 
be a .9 feature or wait until .10...just let me know.

Dirk Haun wrote:
> (hmm, I thought the mailing lists were down?)
> Gentlemen,
> I'm through with adding the parameter checking and I've changed the way
> the Group Admin group works (as discussed earlier). Which means that all
> the major points from my to-do list are done.
> I will be going through the list of open bugs (as far as I have them in
> my email database) and my notes to see what is left that should be fixed
> / implemented in this release.
> But all in all, it looks like it would be possible to do an 1.3.9rc1
> release after the next weekend. So if you have anything left that you
> want to see in the next release, please bring it forward now (or wait for
> 1.3.10 ...).
> bye, Dirk

|Tony Bibbs         |[R]egardless of what you may think of our penal   |
|tony at tonybibbs.com |system, the fact is that every man in jail is one |
|                   |less potential fisherman to clutter up your       |
|                   |favorite pool or pond. --Ed Zern                  | 


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