[geeklog-devel] New GL default theme

geeklog at mystral-kk.net geeklog at mystral-kk.net
Wed Oct 24 08:12:05 EDT 2007

Sorry for my late reply.

Dirk wrote:

>>2. Most Web browsers put XHTML over HTML.
> Do they? IE6 at least didn't even understand 'application/xhtml+xml',
> the content-type for XHTML. Did they fix that in IE7?

The point I wanted to make is not Web server's file type but the
efficiency with which Web browsers can interpret documents.

>>3. Even when Geeklog core is XHTML, and yet its theme and plugins are
>>HTML, Web browsers will accept the contents with very few problems.
> You can't mix HTML and XHTML. I'd rather have something that validates -
> if that's HTML or XHTML is not important.

I totally agree, but if you truly believe so, why does Geeklog have
FCKeditor built in?  It produces XHTML contents.  This is just not

> I'm actually quite mad at the PHP developers since nl2br() returns XHTML-
> style <br/> tags. On more than one occasion, I was so close to replace
> it with a COM_nl2br() function that does it properly ...

I quite agree.

>>4. If HTML contents (stories, staticpages, and so on) with XHTML core
>> code
>>should cause some trouble, how about preparing an HTML-into-XHTML
>>converter?      HTML purifier (http://htmlpurifier.org/) is the tool for
>>the task.
> Sure, it's possible. But as I said before, I don't think a lot of our
> users would do that.

If people have to do the conversion manually, few people would do on their
own.  So how about preparing an XHTML-into-HTML converter?
  geeklog at mystral-kk.net

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