[geeklog-devel] RFC: Plugin migration

Dirk Haun dirk at haun-online.de
Tue Jan 13 06:37:59 EST 2009

I'm still interested in any feedback from plugin authors regarding the  
plugin auto install in Geeklog 1.6 [1]

In the meantime, here's a somewhat related topic: Migration of plugins.

In 1.6, we now have that nifty Migration option in the install script  
(the other part of Matt's GSoC project). That's what you use when your  
site moves to another server. It also handles path changes, URL  
changes, provides warnings about missing files and plugins, etc.

When your site's URL changed during the migration, it will also update  
most of the content now. What's missing are the plugins.

So the obvious idea would be to have a PLG_migrate call that informs  
plugins about the migration and gives them a chance to update paths  
and URLs where needed.

However, the migration can also perform database updates. Which raises  
the question: What comes first? PLG_upgrade or PLG_migrate?

Alternatively, we could call PLG_upgrade for the migration case (with  
a flag indicating that a migration is underway) and let the plugins  
figure out the proper order themselves. The downside of this approach  
is that it would call PLG_upgrade in cases where the plugin doesn't  
need to be upgraded, which could confuse some plugins.

To summarize the options:

1) PLG_upgrade first, then PLG_migrate
2) PLG_migrate first, then PLG_upgrade
3) PLG_upgrade($mode = 'migration')


bye, Dirk

[1] http://eight.pairlist.net/pipermail/geeklog-devel/2009-January/003953.html

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