[geeklog-devel] [Fwd: Re: Redesign the Plugin "Editor"]

Dan Stoner danstoner at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 09:42:24 EST 2011

>>> Geeklog needs that much more than it needs pretty admin screens.
> Because only admins see pretty admin screens. Making pretty admin screens
> benefits one or two people per geeklog installation and usually only during
> their first few weeks of installation: how often to admins go to the plugin
> screen really? User facing screens getting beautified helps every user at
> every geeklog installation.

I would say that making "pretty admin screens" are the kind of small
changes that allow more developers to start participating in the
project, which is good for GL.

The first few weeks/days of installation are also the time that a
potential developer decides whether it is worth his/her time to
participate in the Geeklog project.  A little bit of polish can show
that GL is mature and still active.

If "the admin interface looks old and clunky" is the particular itch
that is bothering a developer, it might be nice to let that change get
into the code.  Once a developer has participated in a project, I
think it is more likely they might come back to solve one of the
harder or more critical needed features.

I have been toying with the idea of participating more materially in
GL... I would need some baby step tasks before doing anything real or

Dan Stoner

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