[geeklog-devel] Geeklog.net Captcha

Kenji ITO geeklog at mystral-kk.net
Thu Feb 6 04:29:48 EST 2014

Tom wrote:

> I installed both the latest version of Captcha and the reCaptcha plugin on
> Geeklog.net.
> Currently I have Captcha enabled with the slider on. I have tested a few
> posts and everything seems to be working fine.
> I also tested the reCaptcha plugin and forgot that I need to update the
> Geeklog forum. The forum doesn't work with reCaptcha at the moment (I just
> have to update one forum file, I have it working fine on another site)
> I also had an issue with the  reCaptcha plugin. The reCaptcha displayed
> fine
> but I could enter anything into the recaptcha field and it would accept
> it.
> I know the recaptcha plugin works as I am using it on some other sites
> without any problems.  The one difference is that Geeklog.net uses https
> now
> instead of http. Could this be the issue Kenji ITO?

No, I don't think so.  The reCAPTCHA plugin works at a web site with SSL
enabled.  As far as I know, the reCAPTCHA requires that one of the two
figures it displays to the user be correctly answered, not both.  Thus,
just entering EITHER of the two figures correctly will satisfy the
Kenji ITO

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