[Neurons] 2012 Meta Reflections #34

L. Michael Hall meta at acsol.net
Sun Jul 8 04:12:17 EDT 2012

From: L. Michael Hall

Meta Reflections 2012 #34

July 9, 2012

Empowerment Series #20


We often talk about "knowledge being power," and indeed, it can be. Yet
there is a much greater power and that is the power of acting on knowledge,
putting knowledge to work- or to use the language that best describes this
power, this is the power of implementing knowledge. Knowing something means
you have a mental understanding and possibly an accurate mental map about
how to navigate something, but having a map by which you could navigate a
certain territory is not the same as being actually able to navigate that

In NLP we talk about this as the difference between map and territory and
quote Alfred Korzbyski's famous statement, "The map is not the territory."
Hand almost any adult a map of Hawaii or Bali or London or Sydney and no one
thinks that the map is anyone of those places. It merely refers to those
places or some other place. And if you know how to use a map, it gives you
a way to get around when you are there.

This doesn't mean that the map is not important. It is! In so many areas
of life, if you do not have a map to navigate some experience, you will not
get things right, and you could mess things up, and you could even die. So
yes, maps are important. They are important for understanding,
comprehending, for information about what to do, where to go, who to ask,
how to think, etc. But a map doesn't create the experience, you have to do
that, and the map will help, but it is not sufficient. More is required.

What else is required for success? You have to take action on the
information that the map that you have provide. You have to do something
about your maps. When you enter a restaurant and the waiter hands you a
menu, you now have in your hands access to a lot of information- information
about the possibilities of dining in that restaurant. But the menu is not
enough. Would you be satisfied if that's all you got? After using the
information to make a decision, you have to communicate what you want.
Then, after the meal comes, you have to eat it if you want the nourishment
and delight of the meal which that restaurant provides.

If somehow you get disoriented and think that the map is the territory or
the menu is the meal, then you begin biting down on the map and trying to
chew it. Not wise. It is just a menu, not the meal.

Implementation describes the process of taking something that you know and
translating it into action that actually uses the knowledge.
Implementation is then the power of knowledge activated. Implementation, in
fact, is the design of knowledge. It is what knowledge is for! To know
something and not act on it is to misuse knowledge. It is to miss the
opportunity that the knowledge provides. Why do you learn things in the
first place? Isn't it so that you can take effective action and do
whatever it is that you need to do that will translate your beliefs and
understandings into reality?

That's what implementation is all about. Implementation is, as we say,
"where the rubber hits the road." It is the putting into one's body, one's
neurology, one's action, and one's lifestyle the information that one has
come to know. It is then executing that knowledge so that it becomes real
to you and in your life.

Obviously this is a tremendous power and separates those who just talk about
doing and those who do. It separates those who turn their dreams, visions,
and values into reality and those who keep dreaming but do not fulfill their
visions. Do you have this power? Do you regularly and consistently act on
what you know to do and especially in the areas that are critically
important to you?

Actually, you do have this power. It may not be in the critical areas that
you want it, but in some areas, you act on what you know. So if you want to
develop this power, begin by identifying those areas where you already do
what you know. To do so, think small and simple. What knowledge do you
naturally, inevitably, and regularly translate into action? Spend a day or
a week or even longer observing and reflecting on events in your life that
fits this pattern?

Once you do that, now identify the areas where you want to do this, where
you want to transfer this power. What are those areas? As you think about
acting on what you know, what stops you? Is it a feeling, a belief, an
attitude, a fear, or what? What stops you from acting? Does it seem too
risky? If so, what would you be risking to do so? Is it forbidden? If so,
by whom? What is not allowed? Who took permission away from you?

What do you need to believe about yourself in order to implement what you
know? What do you need to believe about taking action to implement? What
do you need to decide?

As you develop implementation power, your identity changes. You become an
implementer of what you know. When you experience a moment of insight or
enter a scene of knowledge, you don't leave it without taking some action.
And no matter how small that action, it is the beginning of a new momentum.
This is what people commonly report after the run the Mind-to-Muscle Pattern
a dozen or more times. They talk about how they have now built a habit of
implementation. They talk about how they can't just think or talk or know
something, they have to act on it! To your highest and best in terms of


. The Third International NLP Research Conference has just finished
--- it was conducted July 6 and 7, at the University of Hertfordshire in
Herts England with about 60 people. There were 30 papers presented . two by
Neuro-Semanticists! Dr. Suzie Linder-Pelz on her studies on the effects of
benchmarking on participants and by Scott Poctron on developmental
psychology and especially the role of the Meta-States Model on the higher
levels of adult development . which is leading Scott to develop
Developmental NLP (more about that later). The next Conference is in two
years - 2014. The conference was the vision of Dr. Paul Tosey and Lisa Wake
and others and it is being sponsored by Karen Moxom, director of ANLP and
editor of Rapport Magazine. There's an incredible amount of things going on
in the area of Research now in the field of NLP - there's a Journal edited
by Paul Tosey and in the USA there is the R&R Project (Research and
Recognition Project). So it can no longer be said that there's no research
for the validity of many aspects of NLP.

. NSTT--- Trainers Training is just a little over 2 weeks away. If
you are in the USA and want to attend Accessing Personal Genius (APG) or The
Psychology of APG, those two trainings are open to everyone. Write for
information. July 20-22, 24-26.

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. --- Neuro-Semantics International

Neuro-Semantics Executive Director ---- <http://www.neurosemantics.com/>

P.O. Box 8

Clifton, CO. 81520 USA

1 970-523-7877

What is Neuro-Semantic NLP? Get your free subscription to "Neurons" ---
the weekly International Newsletter of Neuro-Semantics. Subscribe at
<http://www.neurosemantics.com/> www.neurosemantics.com. Dr. Hall sends
out Meta Reflections every Monday (Colorado time). Trainers' Reflections
occur on Tuesdays and Meta-Coach Reflections on Wednesdays. Contact Dr.
Hall at <mailto:meta at acsol.net> meta at acsol.net

For world-class Coach Training --- see Meta-Coaching System at
<http://www.meta-coaching.org/> www.meta-coaching.org and at
<http://www.metacoachfoundation.org> www.metacoachfoundation.org

Neuro-Semantics launched the New Human Potential Movement in 2007, for
information about the Self-Actualization workshops, go to
<http://www.self-actualizing.org/> www.self-actualizing.org

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